Sunday, October 14, 2012


In September of 2011 a movie entitled "Warrior" was released. When I was watching this movie I immediately assumed I was in for just another mix martial arts movie that was all about fighting and had no plot. It did not take long for me to get proved wrong as from the opening scene, this movie completely nullified all the ignorant predictions that people like me shared.

This drama-thriller featured Tom Hardy (above), an upcoming actor most commonly known for his role as "Bane" in the Dark Knight Rises, as an ex-marine whose tragic past is constantly shadowing him. He returns home after a fourteen year skid of not talking to or seeing his father or older brother. Joel Edgerton, who is the other brother, is married with two daughters whom he can barely provide for as he faces foreclosure by the bank. Their father, played bravely by Nick Nolte, is a recovering alcoholic who throughout the movie futilely attempts to repair his relationships with both his sons. Over the course of the movie, lines are crossed and the truth starts to come out as to why the family became so broken up.
The movie did not top the charts in the box office when it came out or even get that much publicity so the overall consensus of the movie was not as good as it would have been for a movie directed by a big name star. However, in my opinion, this one movie can easily go toe to toe with any of the Rocky movies that are out there and win.
This by far is the best movie that I have ever seen. And yes that means it is even better than the last Batman movie and I'm not the first person to say it as many people on this movie review site agree with me:

1 comment:

  1. I started to watch the movie Warrior in high school but I never finish watching it. Warrior is one of those movies that didn't do well in the box office but it's a powerful and emotional movie. However, you’re right this one movie can easily go toe to toe with any of the Rocky movies that are out there and win. But I don’t think it’s the best movie that I seen so far and I know I didn’t finish the movie. The best movie I have seen so far is “The Last Song” which I did my blog on. But I think I’m going to have to finish the movie “Warrior” before saying anything more.
