Sunday, October 14, 2012

Blog 2

One of the greatest movies of all time wasThe Dark Night.  This movie’s main character Christian Bale (batman) played the part flawlessly and co-star Heath Ledger just brought the movie’s true spark out.  This movie is great for all ages because it is made for the younger super hero believing crowd and with mature content.  This movie will grab your attention in the first scene. The movie itself broke records.  On opening night the movie raised over 30 million. IMDb rates it 9/10 and calls it one of the best films in 2008.  The movie was budgeted at 180 million dollars but profited over a billion dollars.  The movie had 4 MTV movie awards nomination, one golden globe, and seven people’s choice award.  Fans love this movie so bad that they had to create another.

The Dark Knight rises the sequel to the Dark knight was review as a great movie too.  IMDb rates this movie a 8.8/10 slightly behind the first one.  The movie’s opening was half the movie’s budget making a little more than 160 million the budget was 250 million.  The movie once again cracked over a billion dollars once again.  The movie influenced a game to be made; arguable one of the greatest video games of all time is Batman: Arkham Asylum which was the hottest game of 2009.  Also its sequel Batman: Arkham city was dubbed the game of the year in 2011.  The game involves missions with the player acting as Bruce Wayne to fight evilness in Gotham.

The movie and game set up a tag team with the gaming and movie world.  It was almost like a dynamic duo with the profit coming in for both the movie and the game.  The problem with this movie was when someone decides to take the movie seriously.  The movie was made for entertaining and not to be taken literally.  Unfortunately the second movie that would come out would cost some people there life.  A man in Colorado took this movie too far when he decided to go into a movie theater on opening night and pretend to be the joker.  This man’s foolish actions cost people there life.

1 comment:

  1. I too enjoyed all of the newer (Christopher Nolan) Batman movies. I own Batman Begins and The Dark Knight on Blu Ray. Both movies look amazing on my HDTV. The Dark Knight is indeed one of the best movies of all time. Heath Ledger played an magnificent Joker. Its a shame that he died so young he had such a promising future ahead of him. Would have loved to see what else they could of done with him as the Joker. I think the Dark Knight Rises was a perfect way to end the trilogy. I enjoyed how the story played out and I thought it was explained well. I can't wait to add that to my Blu Ray collection. Normally I only buy sports games and Call of Duty but I do own the two Batman games as well. Both were fun games to play. I think I enjoyed playing Arkham Asylum a little more. I heard rumors of them making another one. They kind of left a few unanswered questions in Arkham City and it will be interesting what they can come up with next. There is so many different directions they could go with the game. Overall good job!
