Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog #3

Tips to Make Studying Easier

Step 1: The best way to start studying is by eating something healthy and filling.  It is very hard to stay focused on an empty stomach.  You should eat some food that contains omega-3's.  There are many foods that have omega-3.  A few examples of foods with omega-3s are nuts, fish, dairy, and grains.
Step 2: Make sure you have a comfortable study environment.  It is almost impossible to study somewhere when there any many distractions around you.  The best thing to do is take away all those distractions so you can stay concentrated.   This is very difficult, for me at least, because I always get distracted.  It is smart to shut off your phone and stay off websites that will take you off track.  The best place to go to study is in the library.  There is n0t much to do there except stay focused.
Step 3:  In order to make studying effective you should make up a scheduled time to study as well as a good studying technique.  If you make a schedule to study and follow it there will be no excuse for you not to study.  It is a lot easier to get work and studying done if you have a planned time to do it.  There are many different ways to study.  I think the best way to find out what best fits you is to try a way out and see how it goes.  The way you study may also depend on the material you are studying for.  Find a suitable study method that you like so you can remember the material.  A really good way I found that helps me is either rewriting my notes or taking notes out of the chapter.  If you re-take your notes that allows your brain to memorize the material.
If you are still having trouble with studying then ask a friend to help.  It can be very helpful to have someone help you study.  They can help in many different ways by quizzing you, study techniques, etc.  The one downfall of this is that they are your friend so you guys can distract each other.  It could be hard to stay focused.  If that is a problem another option that is probably your best choice is to get a tutor.  Especially at Nichols seeing that we have free tutoring.  A tutor will be able to get you through a study session successfully with no distractions.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a great job! It is interesting that you mentioned staying full with healthy foods. When I think of studying I never really think of if I ate or not. I will definitely try to eat something healthy and try Omega-3's before the next time I study. I also agree with having a comfortable environment. I used to use the library but since I'm living in a single now, I have a nice quiet room where I can study. I try to keep my phone out of reach and my lap top closed when I'm studying. If my exam is in a few days I like to study different sections at different parts of each day. I feel like breaking up what you are study gives yourself a better chance of remember each part and gives your brain a rest. On the night before the exam I will review it all and then again in the morning. Studying with a friend rarely ever works for me. Mostly because I talk way too much and get off track. I haven't used a tutor yet at Nichols, but I'm sure I will be taking classes soon that I find difficult. When that time comes I plan on fully utilizing the opportunity for a tutor.
