TEAMWORK Coach Ray Evans and Kentucky Basketball Coach John Calipari. |
is multi-purpose website mainly focused on sports and the achievements of local
athletes in the Southeastern part of Connecticut. It was created because
Norwich Free Academy also known as NFA was not promoting and or praising their
athletes. A few popular athletes that have come out of NFA consist of Matt Shaughnessy who played football at the University of Wisconsin and now plays
for the Oakland Raiders. Other stand outs include, Rj Evans who is a graduate
and thousand point scorer at the College of Holy Cross; he will be completing
his final year of Basketball eligibility as well as graduate school at the
University of Connecticut. Kastine Evans is a junior at the University of Kentucky
and is a team captain of the Women’s Basketball team. makes keeping
up with past athletes an easy task. The website also focuses on local events,
awards, and TEAMWORK AAU travel team. The website gives a play by play on the
success and failures of the AAU team and gets local kids involved. It shows the
growth of the kids physically and mentally through their long journey to become
student-athletes. Many kids in Norwich Connecticut have nowhere to play because
the local community centers have closed down, and the nearest travel team is a
45 minute drive away. This makes TEAMWORK basketball club a key factor in
getting kids off the streets and giving them hope. The Awards documented on the
website are sponsored by the Cape Verdean Society they decided to create awards
in honor of the successful Blacks and Hispanics who have contributed to the
school but was never recognized. Each recipient of an award receives information
on the pioneer and what he or she did to deserve such award. Local events
posted on the site makes it unique for a predominantly sports page. A few different
local events include NFA’s dance team performing at the College of Holy Cross,
and a speaker by the name of Sara Panzau a two time All American volleyball
player who after driving home drunk one night got into a devastating car crash.
I believe this website is great in keeping you updated with new and fresh
information and I personally enjoy myself on this webpage.
Hello, Irving Your piece that you did on basketball is very intriguing. I just have a few questions and a few comments. You talk about Matt Shaughnessy, RJ Evans and Kastine Evans throughout your piece, I was just curious as to if you know them personally or have heard about them. To me it would seem like a great opportunity to have a chance to meet these great athletes. I know that you also play basketball so to me it seems like the ball players could be role models to you because they went to your high school if you went to the high school in you piece titled Norwich Free Academy. The comments that I have are very positive in the fact that you writing kept me interested the whole time. I love how the three people you talked about all played or are currently play a division 1 sport. Who are the two people at the very beginning of you writing? Are they family or maybe just friends! I love the video and the action shots that you have. It really shows how good and how intense these players take their sport. I looked at and you were right, they really do support athletes at your school. I think it’s just an awesome idea to give out awards to those who do not think they deserve one. It comes to show that not all the hard work people put in goes unseen, you just have to keep trying at it and even when people see still go out of your way to do good.