Sunday, October 14, 2012

Jon Hachey : Movie Blog

Remember The Titans

This movie was based in the year 1971 about a high school football team coached by coach Boone (Denzel Washington). The dillema in this movie is the process of 3 schools coming together in Virginia. two of the schools are all white and 1 of the the schools were black. The school that is all black is the one in which the movie is based on. It is called T.C Williams High school. At first there is many problems when the schools combine. There is still allot of racism because it is in the early 1970's.  The head coach of T.C Williams was replaced by Coach Boone. Coach Boone had allot of pressure on him. not just too win a championship but to also have his team get along with each other since it was mixed with both black and white players. When Coach Boone first came to the high school he was not welcomed by either the players or the student body. The players of the team had no respect for each other or for the coach, Though throughout the season this completely changed for the team and for the coach. Coach Boone turns his team into a force to be reckoned with and they become winners on the field. The movie displays allot of racism such as when somebody threw a brick through Coach Boone's window and yelled a racial comment. Other bad things occur in the movie such as when the Senior Captain Gary Bertier gets hit by a truck from the side while driving down the street and becomes paralyzed from head to toe.


Coach Herman Boone : Denzel Washington
Petey Jones : Donald Faison
Gary Bertier : Ryan Hurst
Coach Bill Yoast : Will Patton
Julien Campbell : Wood Harris
Lewis Lastick : Ethan Suplee


My Opinion: Remember the titans is one of my personal favorites. It a good mix of a sports movie that also has other aspects to it other than football. I like this movie because it shows how a team can overcome something in the worst of times and still come out on top and be winners. I also like this movie because of the time which it takes place. Since it is in the 1970's it is much different than how football was played now a days, there was also other things going on such as racism and disagreements.  


  1. What's up Jon. This movie is actually the movie that made me want to play football in the first place. It is also still one of my favorite movies to watch whenever it's on tv. I think this is probably the best movie out there as far as depicting a typical football team goes. By that I mean how every team has a very significant issue they need to overcome in order to move on as a group. My favorite part of the movie is without a doubt when the Titans come out on to the first and perform their signature warm-up dance for the first time. I always standup and try to do it with them as it’s become sort of a ritual I’ve done since I was a little kid and first saw the movie. Overall, I do think this is a quality movie that can appeal to anyone and not just ball players.

  2. Hey Jon I also like that movie. I like it because at the beginning they were not a real team and didn't play together. The white kids only wanted to play with white kids and the black kids only wante to play with black kids. I like how the coach can force them to play with each other. I love to watch this movie every time it is on t.v. Which is a lot. Also I like this movie because team dinner for high school football we would watch this movie after we all ate. Good job on your blog!
    Ryan finn
