Sunday, October 28, 2012

Over the years one of the hardest things for me was tostay focused.  I would never get my work done and if I did it was either rushed or incomplete.  Focusing is hard for some and for others it’s like they were actually teaching the class the way they knew so much.  It’s not like my lack of focus was intentional.  It just happens. It starts off by me trying to pay attention to the teacher which I can do for about ten minutes then I start to drift and day dream.  It usually starts when the teacher lectures about a topic.  I go off into my own world and think about prior experiences in my life.  Such as high school basketball games, prom, and working out.  I never could stay focused because my mind was elsewhere.  So in order for me too I had to change up the way I learned.  I have five ways to help you focus better.

My first way to solve the problem is tutoring.  Some may say tutoring doesn't help but you’ll be surprised on the results you get.  Tutoring helps you individually.  If you have a problem with the way a teacher is teaching a tutor will break the subject down one on one so you can understand it better.  A tutor can give you tips on how to study and what you can do in class to pay attention.  

Another thing you can do to stay focused isgoing to sleep.  A lot of rest is important in the learning experience.  It’s kind of like a basketball game. When someone is preparing for a game they are rested so they can have enough energy to play at a high level.  
The third way is eating healthy.  It has been proven that junk food makes you sluggish and healthy foods such as lettuce, pasta, and fish give you energy.  

The next way is when you are working on something you should have a clean work space.  This will lead to no distractions so you can have more time to focus on the assignment.  
The last way is to set goals.  Having goals makes work easier because you are more organized and have a better idea on want needs to be done.  You can have mini goals to get you to your main goals.  Stay organized with these steps and you’ll be focused in no time. 

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting post. I sometimes have trouble concentrating too and always start thinking about other things. The tips you put in this post seem very helpful. One tip that seemed the most helpful was the idea of the setting goals. It is good to set goals because then you have to do those things before starting something else. The next time I find myself starting to become unfocused, I will try your tips.
