Sunday, October 28, 2012

Blog #3

How to curl your hair with a straightener

Are you tired of using a curling iron? Or just want to do something different that is quick or easy with your hair? Try curling you're hair with your straightener! It's quick, easy and looks great! In order for your curls to be long lasting and successful you will need five things, a comb/hair brush, a mirror, clips or a hair tie, hairspray, and of course your hair straightener.  You can use your straightener to curl your hair no matter what type of hair you have, If your hair is curly it just might take you a few extra steps.  Always make sure your hair is blow-dryed straight or natural before doing anything to your hair. Also make sure there is no product in it.  You may have better results if you try this the day after you've washed your hair.  Make sure you don't straighten your hair before curling because the curls will not hold, they will fall right out. Now you're ready to begin!
*TIP* Make sure you are always curling outwards and away from your face!!!!!
  1. First, take your hair and section it.  Divide the sections up by using your hair ties or clips. 
  2. Take small sections at a time and clasp the straightener at the top of the section staying away from your scalp.
  3. Next, brush the strand of hair you are about to curl and then twist the straightener AWAY from your face and pull the straightener down the section of hair while you twist the straightener around. (the faster you pull down the looser the curl, the slower you pull down the tighter the curl).
  4. After curling each section make sure you spray your curl from the bottom up.  If you don't hairspray the curls will not last. 
  5. Once you have completed the first four steps if you feel like your hair is flat try shaking it upside down for some volume or tease it a little bit with some hairspray and a comb and your good to go! 

I hope this was helpful! If you are a visual learner and learn from watching something before you do it yourself here is a youtube video that might be helpful. Remember practice makes perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diandra! I read the title of your blog and was instantly interested. I had wondered for a while now how you could curl your hair with a straightener, but was never able to figure out how to without making an awkward crease near my scalp from where the straightener started. One thing I was wondering was how would the hair need to be sectioned off? In four sections: from the ear to the front on each side and the back sectioned in half such as hairdressers do? Or some other way? Other than that, I find your blog extremely helpful, especially the YouTube video you supplied. I know the visual of how to curl your hair with a hair straightener is very useful for me because it's always easier to understand what to do when you can see an example being done. Thanks for a great post that'll help girls around the globe who either don't want to use a curling iron, don't have one, or just want to know how to curl their hair with a straightener such as myself.
