Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The 56th Best Blog Ever

Hola my name is Brian Keith Sullivan Jr and I am from the small country folk town of Plainfield Connecticut. I'm 6'3 and a a quiet person at times (mostly never). Like most teenagers my age I "had" to get a job or else my living arrangements would be change, as said as my parents, I currently work at Better Val-U which if you are not familiar with is a grocery store that similar to stop and shop but A LOT DIRTIER. I could say I'm like most people at Nichols College but not everybody at Nichols is a freshman so I am like 1/4 of the school and I'm a freshman I plan of 4 years to graduate and have a degree in sportsmangement hopefully. To be honest I took this course becuase it wasa requirment but I always go into everything open minded, hopefully from this course I can perfect my experinces and skills in the work of microsoft and other areas.

One of the best Blogs I have ever viewed was one done up by NBA.COM. Its not a blog that you read but one that you watch, just click the link scroll down and watch the montage of the greatest moments in sports. For now I'll leave you with some of my favorite things and some pictures of me.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the fact that you are honest in this blog. Most people are scared to display their flaws but after reading this article i can tell that you are not. I am curious to know if you were born in plainfield, CT I am familiar with that town at i can attest that it is very small and not much too do there. How did you manage to live out there is my main question. I think I would go crazy, it's just to much quiet. I see that you played high school basketball what years did you play and did you play any other sports while attending plainfield high? I can relate to having to work as well, but why was the store that you worked in dirty? Did you have anything to do with that, because when I think of a grocery store I think of cleanliness.
