Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kaleigh's Blog #1

My name is Kaleigh Ferrindino and I was born and raised in a small town in Western Massachusetts called Monson. Most people had never heard of the town until June 1, 2011 when a tornado went through my small town and put Monson on the map. The tornado had to be one of the biggest influences of who I am today because it showed me that if I was strong enough to make it through that, I could make it through anything.

My family now lives one town over from Monson, in an even smaller town called Hampden. In my household there is my younger brother Andrew who is 16, my Mom and my Dad. We also have a cat named midnight who survived the tornado and around 30 chickens that are like my pets. I love living in the middle of nowhere where most people would be bored out of their minds, but we just have a different way of doing things out there, like bonfires, tailgating, and mudding. There's nothing that I miss more than cookouts with my friends and going out to the woods to go quadding and our daily adventures with getting lost out there.

I graduated from East Longmeadow High School on June 3, 2012. My favorite class in high school was cooking class because my friends and I would always get a little off track and be creative. I am a hands on learner so when I get to learn by doing I have a better chance of remembering the subject and will make it a more enjoyable learning experience for me. I am now a freshman at Nichols College planning on majoring in Sports Management. 

While in digital applications I hope to gain additional knowledge of computers and other ways the internet can be used. The internet is starting to be used more commonly for business marketing and product research so I feel like it is important to be able to navigate a computer fluently. 

I chose a blog called 20 Reasons You'll LOVE Freshman Year because I feel like it is very fitting for where I am now and I can relate to the information in the blog. "Can you say I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T? You’re on your own, and it feels great. No curfew. No rules.This talks about the new found freedom you have in college and how you can start over clean without everyone knowing your past. It also talks about tips on dealing with the cafeteria food and meeting new friends in college. It has a lot of helpful information for any college freshman.

1 comment:

  1. Hi KayMarie, I found your blog interesting. All the visuals and different fonts caught my attention. What happened to Monson was devastating. I remember what it looked like before the tornado hit. It was such a beautiful town. I am also from a small town that still isn't on the map named Warren, MA. I have always wanted chickens as pets as well. Anyway, I am also a hands-on learner. Your body remembers better than your mind with some things, especially when things become routine. When you're working a job where it's routine and you do the same things over and over again, instead of your brain thinking "Oh, I have to do this. I have to do that." your body just remembers and you automatically do it.
    The blog you chose has to do with most, if not all, of this class and it's very informative. I'm glad you found this website because I now plan on using it regularly.
