Friday, September 14, 2012

Gabrielle Carlson

Hello, my name is Gabrielle Carlson and I'm a freshman living on campus in Budleigh Hall.  I was born on November 20, 1994.  I graduated from Quaboag Regional Middle High School seventh in my class.  I'm an accounting major and am planning on receiving my Master's in 5 years utilizing the 4+1 program offered by Nichols.  I hope to work for the FBI as a special agent by the time I'm 25.  As an FBI special agent, I could be a forensic accountant.  I love to dance, sing, act, and babysit.  I've volunteered at my town clerk's office and at Second Chance Animal Shelter in East Brookfield and worked as a babysitter.  My hometown is Warren, Massachusetts and I've lived in Massachusetts all my life. Out of this course, I hope to better understand how to properly work computer applications required for a professional career.  I'd love to know how to properly operate software that I barely know how to operate now, if at all, and learn how to use it in a work environment.

Another passion I have is fashion and makeup.  One blog that I like is Tips for Makeup and Beauty.  The woman who writes the blog doesn't just blog about makeup, she blogs about natural beauty remedies, makeup reviews, how to's to keep yourself looking young, and various other great topics for girls and women.  Fashion and makeup are a major part of my life.  I don't like not looking well put together.  Makeup and fashion help me look more professional, when needed, and more trustworthy, reliable, and credible.  Makeup and fashion can change a person's looks, feelings, and/or behaviors even.  When someone wears an outfit that is well put together and makes them feel good about themselves, you can tell because they walk with more confidence, sit with more confidence, talk with more confidence.  They are happier and that, in turn, creates more happiness for those around them.  Tips for Makeup and Beauty helps with putting new ideas on how to try a new makeup look that could possible make someone feel better about themselves, letting people know the pros and cons of a product, and what natural remedies could be used to enhance natural beauty and keep one healthy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gabrielle, after reading your blog I feel like I know a lot about you! I find it awesome that you want to be an FBI agent. I remember that being one of my dreams when I was younger but I don’t know what happened to that. It’s very interesting that you like to babysit because you might be the only person I know who does but that must mean your very patient and good with children. The main reason I chose to write back to your blog is because I read the part about fashion and makeup and I felt like I could relate. I am a complete girly girl and am always shopping for cute clothes. I completely agree with you, when people look good they feel good and then their happiness and positivity gives other people positive energy! Your blog was very descriptive and really tells me a lot about you.
