Monday, September 17, 2012

Irving Eggleston's hmw blog


My name is Irving Eggleston I currently live in Norwich, CT, But I was born on the lower east side of Manhattan, NY.  I moved to Connecticut a few weeks after the twin towers fell due to bad living conditions and lack of food and supplies. We moved to Connecticut away from all of our family and friends to begin a new life. My most recent jobs include working as a bank teller at Coreplus Federal Credit Union, working at the Salvation Army with kids, and Working at a local Eblens shoe store. I'm a freshman here at Nichols and my major is accounting. I like to hang out with my friends and meet new people. I spend the majority of my time training for basketball, lifting, and running. When i'm not playing basketball chances are I am watching it or coaching young kids.  Listening to music is a big hobby of mine as well I listen mostly to rap but i'm open to pretty much any genres of music. I get a rush when I learn something new.  I hope to gain a good understanding of excel, Microsoft word, and other computer skills that will make my next few years at Nichols easier. As for now I'm not the best with computer skills.

September 12, 2012 the iPhone 5 was unveiled making a new mark on the smartphone plateau. The new features include a faster processor to make surfing the web faster. They made a smaller power-charging connector to enhance its mobility. Apple also agreed to sell adapter pieces for fewer than thirty dollars and will be able to connect to chargers that you may already have. Apple has also improved the mapping system that will allow you to use turn by turn navigation, and the camera is sharper than ever before with a larger screen allowing you to read more on online websites. Although the new iPhone 5 has grabbed the buyer’s attention, it is not the only relevant highlight in this article. The Apple shares have increased as a result of the launch, putting the shares up 1.4% higher at $669.72. Although the industry followers remained unsatisfied, they believe that hardware and design is as groundbreaking as they might have hoped.     

Blog #1

Who are you?
My name is Stephen Bellini. I am Lincoln, MA. I have no previous work experience. I am a freshman. I am still undecided. I go to the gym and run.

What do you hope to gain/learn from this course?
Well I hope to gain a credit, and I know a lot about computers so I guess I'm hoping to learn something new. I've know how to do everything on the course calendar except Microsoft Publisher and portfolios.

A Newsworthy Blog
The Blog that I read was about the pre order for the iphone 5, I am a big apple person a plan on being one of the first to acquire this device. The Iphone 5 is so great because of its new slick design all users of a current apple device will need to get their hands on one. As seen in the following picture the new
iphone does more than just make phone calls and text you can play games, go on the internet, listen to music, watch videos, skype your friends or parents, set an alarm and much more. The next video I am going to link is a promo video for the iphone 5.

This is one of the greatest videos I have ever seen, it is so sleek and has a matte black tone, that one can only get with pristine design. I have owned no more than 3 iphones, If I had known how great this phone was going to be I would have gotten one a long time ago when they first came out 5 or 6 years ago when I was still in middle school. Iphone Vs. Droid I mean don't get me wrong I love the droid, it is just that all the phones made for the droid do not just have the same quality as that you can feel from an iphone. Thank you for reading my blog.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kaleigh's Blog #1

My name is Kaleigh Ferrindino and I was born and raised in a small town in Western Massachusetts called Monson. Most people had never heard of the town until June 1, 2011 when a tornado went through my small town and put Monson on the map. The tornado had to be one of the biggest influences of who I am today because it showed me that if I was strong enough to make it through that, I could make it through anything.

My family now lives one town over from Monson, in an even smaller town called Hampden. In my household there is my younger brother Andrew who is 16, my Mom and my Dad. We also have a cat named midnight who survived the tornado and around 30 chickens that are like my pets. I love living in the middle of nowhere where most people would be bored out of their minds, but we just have a different way of doing things out there, like bonfires, tailgating, and mudding. There's nothing that I miss more than cookouts with my friends and going out to the woods to go quadding and our daily adventures with getting lost out there.

I graduated from East Longmeadow High School on June 3, 2012. My favorite class in high school was cooking class because my friends and I would always get a little off track and be creative. I am a hands on learner so when I get to learn by doing I have a better chance of remembering the subject and will make it a more enjoyable learning experience for me. I am now a freshman at Nichols College planning on majoring in Sports Management. 

While in digital applications I hope to gain additional knowledge of computers and other ways the internet can be used. The internet is starting to be used more commonly for business marketing and product research so I feel like it is important to be able to navigate a computer fluently. 

I chose a blog called 20 Reasons You'll LOVE Freshman Year because I feel like it is very fitting for where I am now and I can relate to the information in the blog. "Can you say I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T? You’re on your own, and it feels great. No curfew. No rules.This talks about the new found freedom you have in college and how you can start over clean without everyone knowing your past. It also talks about tips on dealing with the cafeteria food and meeting new friends in college. It has a lot of helpful information for any college freshman.
My name is Zakaria Stour from the town of Malden Ma. Well technically I live in Everett Ma, but I pretty much live on the border of the two cities. And being the fact that I attended a regional school the past 13 years of my life which was located in Malden, it is safe to say that I am from Malden. The main reason why I always tell people that I live in Malden is because most of my friends live there. When I was in middle school I would sometimes ask my friends parents for rides home. when they would ask where I lived and I told them Everett, I would usually hear a slight sigh or a sound of aggravation because everett was a city that was out of the way for people to drive though. Since I lived so close to the boarder, I would just tell them that i lived in Malden.
In high school I played football and lacrosse. Although I played football more than lacrosse, lacrosse is my favorite sport to play. I picked up a lacrosse stick for my first time my junior year. By the time I was a senior I was the starting goalie for me team. It was a lot of fun, but we also went 2-11 that year for me record. It was a big change for my school because we lost about 13 seniors from the year before. But being from a small school called Mystic Valley Regional Charter School, it was not necessarily a bad thing.

I also have a horrible job. Last summer I started working at Abercrombie Kids at the North Shore Mall. Although I made a lot of great friends, it was a pretty awful job. I was an "Impacter" which means I'm in the back most of the time maintaining stock. Recently I transfered to Hollister because it was closer to my house and easier for me to get to. I liked this job a lot better because I got to be close to home and recieved more hours.. oh and I was allowed to play my Ipod in the back room which made work go by like a breeze.

In this class, I hope I can learn to become more familiar with a computer and all of its functions and programs it has to offer. I also want to become more familiar with certain software as well as the hardware which makes up a computer.

This blog is about the Honda Odyssey braking recall. This blog is interesting because it explains the braking problem that me and my mom were constantly experiencing with our Honda Odyssey. They explain in the blog how the braking in this vehicle seems less responsive or the brake pedal is all the way to the ground when the car comes to a complete stop. The problem was that there was an air leak in the VSA system and if it were not for reading this blog, I would have ignored the problem which would not have been a safe choice.

Now you know a little bit about me, hope you enjoyed it!

Jon Hachey's Blog

Hi my name is Jon Hachey, I was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts and have lived there my whole life. I attended Weymouth high school and played Football and baseball there for four years on the varsity level. I was a captain of the football team my senior year and I play linebacker here at Nichols college. Last season I was named all scholastic and broke my coaches single season tackling record. I played third base at Weymouth High for the baseball team and began playing both football and baseball when I was very young. My past work experience consists of working full time over the Summer with a landscape company, I made good money and it was a good thing for my work experience. I am a freshman here at Nichols and I am currently undecided on my major. By taking this class I hope to improve my skills on the computer. I think that learning how to do everything on it will help me out in my future job. I came here to Nichols because I knew I would stay focused on school and athletics. Other schools could have made me more distracted from gettting all of my work done. I hope to earn a buisness degree here and own my own buisness after graduation.

Ryan Finn

Hello my name is Ryan Finn I was born in Williamsville New York. When I was 2 years old my family moved to Kennebunk, Maine and have been there since that. I went to Kennebunk High school. While I was there I was a 4-year varsity starting football player and Wrestler. In football played middle linebacker on defense and on offense I played left tackle. Football is my favorite sport because it’s all about teamwork and working hard to prepare for the games. In wrestling my freshman, sophomore, and junior year I wrestled at the 215-pound weight class but senior year I wrestled at the 195-pound weight class. My junior year I won the state tournament in wrestling. I can to Nichols to get a good business degree and hopefully use it to help me get a good job.  Also at Nichols I am on the football team and I play d-line.

            My favorite football team is the Bills I like them because my Dad likes them and I grew up a Bills Fan. My favorite player on the Bills is Stevie Johnson, I like him because he is a great player and the things he does are really funny.

            What I want to learn from this class is how to use the computer effectively with programs that will help me in the business world. Also I want to learn what programs are good and which ones are bad to use. I think that I will gain a lot from this class.
            A newsworthy blog I found was . I say this because  it is on a trust worthy website and they are my favorit college football team ( besides Nichols)

Cora Lincoln Blog #1

Cora's Blog

My name is Cora Lincoln. I am from Framingham, MA. I attended Framingham High School, and participated in varsity track, varsity gymnastics and varsity cheerleading. Framingham is a very large town, surrounded by Marlborough, Southborough,  Ashland and Natick. 

I started cheerleading my sophomore year of high school, and before that, I was a very competitive gymnast. I started gymnastics when I was nine years old. I eventually became a level 9 gymnast, and had 6 practices a week. My favorite events were bars and vault. As time went on, i grew sick of gymnastics, and eventually quit, only to start high school cheerleading. As a cheerleader, I am a flyer. The only thing i hate about flying, is getting stretched. 
                                                                                                                                                                       My first job was working as a gymnastics instructor at Shen's Gymnastics Academy in Holliston, MA. Working there, I taught many young gymnasts how to practice safe gymnastics.  This past summer I worked at the YMCA and taught a gymnastics summer camp.
As of right now, I am attending Nichols College as a freshman. I absolutely love the campus and this college in general. I live on the first floor of Shamie. My roommates are Paige and Rachel, and they are my closest friends on this campus. I am on the cheer team here at Nichols and I cannot wait for the competition season to start. Cheering here at Nichols is extremely fun, and allowed me to meet a bunch of new people and friends. The cheer team is now basically my best friends, and we go out together, eat dinner together, and act like a family. 
From this Digital Applications class, I would like to learn how to use some different software that I may not be so familiar with now. I want to learn about any type of technology that will help me with my future.

While searching for blogs, I came across a blog called "This is Framingham". This blog relates to me because it is about everything that has to do with Framingham. It tells you about new stores and shops that will be opening and also about ratings of new restaurants.This blog is interesting to me because I am from Framingham, and since I am away from home, it helps me keep up to date on all the new Framingham store openings, restaurants, etc. 

Daniel Bufis's Blog

  My name is Daniel Bufis im from Linden, NJ. Im currently a Freshman at Nichols College I plan to major in Sports Management and a minor in International Business or Criminal Justice. Prior to Nichols I have played Junior Hockey since I was 14 years old, I have been playing hockey all together since I was 3 years old. Hockey has always been a huge part of my life, and it has consummed alot of my time growing up through out the years. The leagues i've played in are the EmJHL, MJHL, and the AJHL and played in 4 different states such as New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island , and New Hampshire. It has been a long road and  Iam glad to say that I was very happy to make my commitment to play Division 3 Ice Hockey for Nichols College. It has always been a dream of mine to Play NCAA college hockey no matter where it was, but the right choice was made to come here to continue my hockey career and get the best education I can at Nichols College.
  My Past work Experience has consisted of alot of different things such as working at a movie theater, working at different pro shops, hockey rinks, waiter, bartender, bar back, hockey camps, and also a camp counselor every summer for my town. All these jobs where good to learn and they all they helped me in different areas of my life. Working in alot of places shows alot of versatility towards the person I am today.

  When I first took this course I really didnt know what to expect or how to react to it. As I was reading through different things about this course and getting alot of imformation from upper classman I am very excited to be in this class. This course will help me alot in the future as computers and the technology all over the world continues to grow and grow. I expect to know alot of great things about computers and different programs. In todays jobs all over the world it is starting to be a requirement to know how to use different programs such as excell, power point, etc etc. I expect to know alot about these programs and more.

This blog: This blog is about allowing half sheilds in NCAA College hockey. Many people have there opinion on this issue. My opinion on this is that it should be allowed because alot of players are NHL drafted and ready to play in the league. I think it would control more of the injuries to the face and head because more players would have more control of there stick and hands and body. This issue will continue to always be at the top of the list for College hockey players, coaches, and doctors around the world.

Steve's Blog

My name is Steve Shiwala, From Malden, MA. I'm currently a sophomore at Nichols College majoring in accounting and playing Football. I very athletic, love working out, and pretty much like to party. i worked as a Junior coach for the Wes Welker camp 2 years in a row, and went to Rome this summer. I'm hoping to learn new computer skills from this class, and master the use of microsoft excell. and also learn how to make short movies using movie maker. i'm very friendly and almost funny at all time. I like to meet new people almost all the time, which states that my social life is pretty much at an "A-". I always get complimented for how good i dance (LOL) meaning that i also like to party. What i love about Nichols College is that its a small community of people and that makes everything easy to get kind of. most of the people are met are very cool, and all of the teachers are approachable. The face that the teachers are approachable and the classes are kind of small makes it easy to have good grades. Theres no reason at here at Nichols to be failling classes unless you slack. well Obviously i'm all about sports (Football), my Favorite movie is Batman:The Dark knight rises. i watched that movie more than four times already.

But my favorite actor is Johnny Depp just because he could play any roll, and always seems to be the best actor all around no matter what kind or type of movie it is. The movie that made him be my best actor was "The Pirates of the Carribean"

I think this is all you got to know about me. hoping we all have a good year.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My name is Robert Pinnock I was born in Newark, NJ. I lived in East Orange, NJ for six years when my mother, sisters, and I all moved to Connecticut. The remainder of my childhood was spent in Bridgeport, CT where I learned everything. I learn things like riding my bike, playing sports, talking to girls, etc. My child hood was really fun but It really got fun when I developed a hobby for basketball. I won plenty of trophies in baseball, football, and I even was the 2006 soccer shoot state champion for CT. Although those were big accomplishments basketball out shined them by far.

I started really playing serious in 8th grade for King Kids my first AAU team. Basketball got fun my first game with that team when I scored 20 points. I was so nervous that in practices I would be to scared to score but when the game came around I played like a champ. My coach made me the go to guy. My high school days were great. I played 4 years of varsity basketball for my high school Kolbe Cathedral where I was coached by Chris Smith, Uconn all time leading scorer in points . That's when I decided to go to Nichols College. I hope to gain knowledge that I never knew about computers, in Digital Applications.

My favorite team is the New York Knicks my parents have been fans since I was a kid and I just learned to love them as I got older. Although I am getting frustrated I'm still a die hard fan. The Carmelo Anthony deal was suppose to make  them a playoff contender but it looks like it back fired. We only won one playoff game in the last 10 years, and Carmelo Anthony nor Amare Stoudemire has made a difference. With added pieces like Jr Smith and Tyson Chandler the Knicks should be rocking this upcoming season.

The most interesting blog I saw was the one about Carmelo Anthony doing charity work in Puerto Rico. This is interesting to me because he wanted to be know for his good off the court. Carmelo should that even though he is successful it is important to give back.


Hello, my name is Scott Zebendon and I'm from Shelton, Connecticut. I am a freshman here at Nichols College and I am going to major in Business. I really enjoy fishing, hanging out with friends, and playing sports. I am a big Dallas Cowboys fan and football is by far my favorite sport. This past summer I worked for a tent crew where we put up massive party tents for birthdays, graduations, weddings, and so forth. It was an okay job for me. It paid well and I got to be outside all day which is what made me happy. I can't stand staying inside all day. What I really hope to gain from this course is to be a little more computer handy and get more familiar with online applications.

The blog I've found is about service men who come home from overseas and need to find job or start a career. I chose this blog because I believe it is very important to get these men a job. If they are willing to give up their life to fight for our country then the least we can do is get them a good stable job when they get back. Also just keep in mind that not all service men get to come home. This is why i believe more people should hear about "The Wall Street Warfighters Foundation" and their success so far. They are here to help these great men to get a job and be able to support themselves and family as soon as possible. This is most definitely a must read blog and by far "newsworthy."

Friday, September 14, 2012

Gabrielle Carlson

Hello, my name is Gabrielle Carlson and I'm a freshman living on campus in Budleigh Hall.  I was born on November 20, 1994.  I graduated from Quaboag Regional Middle High School seventh in my class.  I'm an accounting major and am planning on receiving my Master's in 5 years utilizing the 4+1 program offered by Nichols.  I hope to work for the FBI as a special agent by the time I'm 25.  As an FBI special agent, I could be a forensic accountant.  I love to dance, sing, act, and babysit.  I've volunteered at my town clerk's office and at Second Chance Animal Shelter in East Brookfield and worked as a babysitter.  My hometown is Warren, Massachusetts and I've lived in Massachusetts all my life. Out of this course, I hope to better understand how to properly work computer applications required for a professional career.  I'd love to know how to properly operate software that I barely know how to operate now, if at all, and learn how to use it in a work environment.

Another passion I have is fashion and makeup.  One blog that I like is Tips for Makeup and Beauty.  The woman who writes the blog doesn't just blog about makeup, she blogs about natural beauty remedies, makeup reviews, how to's to keep yourself looking young, and various other great topics for girls and women.  Fashion and makeup are a major part of my life.  I don't like not looking well put together.  Makeup and fashion help me look more professional, when needed, and more trustworthy, reliable, and credible.  Makeup and fashion can change a person's looks, feelings, and/or behaviors even.  When someone wears an outfit that is well put together and makes them feel good about themselves, you can tell because they walk with more confidence, sit with more confidence, talk with more confidence.  They are happier and that, in turn, creates more happiness for those around them.  Tips for Makeup and Beauty helps with putting new ideas on how to try a new makeup look that could possible make someone feel better about themselves, letting people know the pros and cons of a product, and what natural remedies could be used to enhance natural beauty and keep one healthy.

My name is Bryan Brooks-Gray also known as BBG. I'm  from Windsor, Connecticut but I lived there for only two years. I use to live in Bloomfield,Connecticut which is the next town over from Windsor. I wasn't born in the U.S. I was born in Saint Elizabeth,Jamaica, one of  largest parishes.I moved to the United Stated when was eight years old. My Junior year in high school I got an internship at Aetna  a Health Insurance Company in Hartford, Connecticut and I was excited when my manger had called me back to come work for him my Senior year. Both times I worked there I worked in the I.T Department. I graduated from Pathways to Technology Magnet High School in Windsor,Connecticut this past spring with the class of 2012. I'm currently a freshman at Nichols College majoring in General Business. I'm a fanatic of sports. In high school I played football, basketball, and ran track, expect for my senior. I dislocated my shoulder during the second game of  the 2011-2012 season and I had to get surgery so I couldn't play basketball or run track. Honestly, I didn't know what to do with myself after I got hurt and I couldn't play sports.That's when I came to realizes sports isn't everything and college sport teams only wants you for your abilities and they care about you after you get injured.

Basically what I want to gain out this course is to become an expert in Microsoft office so if I get any homework or a future job where I have to use Microsoft office I won't have any problems performing the task asked by the teacher or manger. I would like to learn how to budget my money on Excel.

The Blog that I found interesting to me is Kobe Bryant working with homeless in L.A. The reason why I chose this particular Blog is because I look up to Kobe Bryant, since I start to played basketball in the fourth grade and because people would always argue with me that Kobe is not a team player or he doesn't help out the communities in L.A or around the world.

Life of a Die Hard Red Sox Fan

Hello, my name is John. I live in Townsend, Massachusetts. It is a small town about fifteen minutes from the city of Fitchburg. I am a management major, and freshmen at Nichols College.  I am the oldest son of Edward, and Michele Costello. I have one younger brother (15), his name his Kevin.  I played football and baseball in high school. However, I am only trying out for baseball at Nichols. I love watching the Red Sox, and have been a die hard fan ever since I can remember. Their woes this season have really angered me. Their coaching staff is horrible, and all deserved to be fired. I will expand my thoughts on this later in the blog. I like to play Xbox in my spare time. I have been wanting to better my knowledge on microsoft office products for awhile now, and I believe that digital applications will be a great help.
The Red Sox failures this season have caused a huge wave of rumors. Red Sox fans have started to start rumors about firing manager Bobby Valentine, and even  going further to say that the Red Sox owners are on the selling block. John Henry, and Tom Werner are the two main owners of the Boston Red Sox. They both have debunked this rumor. (John Henry's Denial Email )I am having trouble believing they arent considering selling the Red Sox. It makes the most sense. They would have no trouble in selling the organization for double what they invested in it, which was 700 million dollars. Even if they did not double it they could easily get over a billion dollars. The Red Sox as an organization need a complete overhaul, but I do not believe selling the team is the best way to do it. One step to bring success back to Boston is Terry Francona. He is a player favorite, and what the Red Sox need most right now is chemistry. The players trust Terry, and vice versa. Fans keep showing up to games, but there really is no happy souls in Boston when the Red Sox are losing. They are in a rebuilding stage, and I can see success in the near future. Fans have no reason to worry. 

My First Blog!

Hi, my name is Robert Whittemore JR and I am a resident of Watertown Massachusetts. I attended Minuteman Regional High School, where I took Culinary Arts as a concentration and played on the football and baseball team. I originally attended Johnson & Wales and decided to transfer. I am currently a  second semester sophomore at Nichols College and my intended major is Sports Management. I feel as though a majority of Sports Management students take the major not really knowing what they want to do after. I however, have a few things in mind. Once I graduate I plan on going to graduate school to study law. My eventual goal is to one day start my own sports agency. Law school will help put my foot in the door because agencies tend to hire people who have gone to law school, over those who have not.

I have been working for what seems all of my life. I was taught that hard work pays off. My work experience includes working at a deli/convenient store, Walgreens, Shaws Deli/La Carte, and the United States Postal Service. Being a mail man taught me so much. While the pay was good, the work was hard. I would work around 40-50 hours a week. The job was fun when it was nice and sunny, but it was very dreadful in the rain, snow and winter. There is nothing more miserable then having to walk for eight hours straight in the rain. I was always a hard worker but if there is something that the post office taught me it was that its not something I want to do for a living. It got me to decide to go back to school. After working so hard school is just a breeze for me. My first semester back I made deans list and I don't plan on looking back.

There are many things that I enjoy to do for fun. I am on a mens softball team. I am the Catcher/manager of the team. Last year we won the championship and are currently one game away from winning the championship again this year.

Another thing I like to do for fun that I started this summer is playing what is known as Beruit, or Beer Pong tournaments at bars. These tournaments are run by a company called Snatch Alley. The cups are filled with water and not beer. My friend and I have won four of these tournaments and each tournament has a 200 dollar prize. We easily are one of the best teams around.

My favorite thing to do is probably listen to music. I love majority of music. The only type of music I can't seem to like is country. Artist I enjoy to listen to range from Matchbox 20, Michael Jackson, and 2Pac. My favorite music artist would have to be Joe Budden. I relate to  the majority of his songs, and like that he is not afraid to put his life out in song. I also enjoy watching all sports. I played football my whole life which is my favorite sport. I plan to hopefully play football at Nichols starting next year.

This class seems very interesting. I hope to learn about making websites. I would also like to master all of Microsoft which could potentially help me in a future career. 
The blog that I have decided to post is of my favorite football team the Detroit Lions. The blog is looking forward to the game they have this Sunday night against the San Francisco 49ers. It also talks about the handshake controversy from last years game. It is a creditable blog because it is ESPN. Feel free to add me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter.

Jacob DelRosso Post #1

Hi, my name is Jacob DelRosso.  I am from Seekonk, Massachusetts, which is a small rural farm town on the border of Rhode Island, only about 15 minutes from Providence, Rhode Island. I moved often as a child, all throughout Rhode Island and Southern Massachusetts. I have lived in 19 different houses/ apartments, as my parents separated when I was an infant. I graduated from Seekonk High School, which is a smaller public school. In high school, I played football and basketball, and was also a a news anchor on our local access cable channel and school television station.
I have worked full time in high school for a company called Blount Fine Foods, a global seafood company, amd one of the largest seafood providers on the east coast. I worked in the winters in the distributing facilities and in the summer, I worked as a cook in the companies multiple seasonal restaurants. I think every student should have at least a part time job in high school, because it teaches you responsibility, and forces you to learn time management skills.

A hobby that I have grown to love over the years is being in the outdoors. I am an avid outdoors man, from anything to backpacking, canoe trips, hiking, and bushwacking. I spend at least one week every summer as a trip leader for an organization called Rhode Trip. Rhode Trip is a non-profit organization based out of Barrington, Rhode Island, which takes approximately 50 local youth aged 13 to 17 on a series of 6 outdoor leadership and survival trips every summer.

Through this Digital Applications course I am hoping to expand on my knowledge of the programs I am already familiar with and learn new skills in the programs I am not. I also hope to gain the necessary credits for a technology course. A blog that I find most interesting is New England Patriots Blog. I find this blog the most interesting, because I am a huge patriots fan. I find watching and reading this blog interesting, because it provides up to date news on the team, players, and some other problems around the league. This blog is credible, because it is published though ESPN, which is the worlds largest sports broadcasting organization. They cover a extremely large variety of sports and events and they have the worlds best analysts on staff, who are specialists in there sports.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hello everyone, My name is Anthony Lovetere and I am from Mansfield, Massachusetts. I graduated from Boston College High School in Dorchester, MA. I loved going to the school in the city because it is so much different than my town's high school in the Suburbs. It's always loud and there are people and traffic everywhere not to the mention the all the high rise buildings there are. The Prudential Tower, the John Hancock Tower and the State Street building to name a few. I ran Track and Field at B.C. High as a varsity sprinter for both winter and spring seasons. I ran the 300 meter dash and the 4x400 meter dash during indoor and during outdoor I ran the 4x100 meter dash, the 200 meter dash and I also triple jumped. During the summer I played in two Leagues for Lacrosse I played for CroArt Lacrosse and also for Players Choice Lacrosse. I grew up running and playing lax; it is what I love to do. I've also been fortunate to have run in the Warrior Dash in Windham, New York. It is a 5k, 3.20 mile race through harsh obstacles and different elements like deep mud pits, fire and water. I personally loved competing in this race and look forward to running it again sometime in the near future. The race challenges you to try something totally new and experience challenges that are out of your comfort zone. These races are all over the country and I would eventually like to run in each race in every state down the east coast. For me, staying in shape is a key factor to a happier and healthier lifestyle. I always enjoy going to the gym and going for a run even if it is to blow off some steam or just to clear my mind of things.
Hi, my name is Manuela Arango and I was born in Colombia but currently live in Webster, Massachusetts. I live at home with my parents and my five year old little brother. I just graduated from Bartlett high school and am now a freshman at Nichols College majoring in Finance. Being one of the clumsiest people I know, I have never been part of a sport's team but I was always involved in student government and was also a class officer of my graduating class. I work at a store in the Auburn Mall called Wet Seal as well as the Subway in Oxford Center. I absolutely love working, mainly because I hate feeling lazy and not doing something productive every day. My favorite things to do during my free time are shopping, hanging out with friends, and do anything that has to do with being outside. I am a really positive and outgoing person and I like to pretend every day is a great day even when its awful.

I chose a blog about Bermuda because I constantly wish I was on vacation in paradise and the first place that always comes to mind is Bermuda. If I could just wake up every day to a view on the beach of any paradise location I would be undoubtedly the happiest person. I plan on someday living on a beach in paradise where my life will be filled with complete calmness, positivity, and relaxation.

I am hoping that within this class I will learn more knowledge about computers because the only thing I really know how to use is the Internet and Microsoft Word. I also hope I will gain skills that will help me within the next four years of college as well as within my future career.

     Hi! My names Diandra Dente and I'm from Revere Massachusetts aka "Reveaahh".   I've lived there my whole life.  I live at home with my mom, cat and my Korean exchange student which is pretty cool.  I attended Revere High for the last four years and I'm now a freshman here at Nichols majoring in Business/Marketing.  For the first time ever I met someone with the same name as me and it's really weird because she's my roommate. She's from Chelsea which is about 5-10 minutes away from where I live and we've never met which I think is so weird because we have common friends.  My other roommates name is Chelsey and she has the same middle name as me and Deandra's from Chelsea so we're all weirdly connected which we think is wicked funny.  I started working when I was 14 and have had multiple jobs/work experience. I've hostested at Bricco Restaurant located in The North End (Boston), waitressed at D'Amellio's Off the Boat Seafood in East Boston, worked at Luberto's Bakery and Hot Spot Tanning Salon which are both located in Revere and my most recent job was at Franzese & Franzese which is a lawyers office in Lynn and was by far the best job ever.  I played and was captain of my volleyball team in high school and I model for Vamped Boutique which is located in Saugus MA.
     I hope to learn/gain a lot from this course such as mastering everything there is to know about all the computer programs like Microsoft and any others we will be using because I only really know the basics of them.
     I decided to pick a blog about the iPhone5.  The blog is about mixed industry reactions but consumers love it.  I chose this blog because I love my iPhone and was interested on what people had to say about the new one.