Monday, November 19, 2012

Choose your Cruise

What is your dream vacation? Maybe it is the Bahamas or maybe you would like to back pack through Europe. Well I’m here to tell you about an opportunity that not only will you remember for a life time but something the whole family can do. Of course I am talking about a cruise. There are plenty of cruise lines all across the world and even though I have not been on all of them I have been on two that are considered the top notch of cruises. The best part of these voyages at sea is that they just don’t go to one location like a normal vacation would but instead can take you to multiple places to enjoy whatever the inhabitants have to offer you. I separated the two cruises into two categories. The first is the young life fun nights cruise know as a carnival cruise. You can go on a 9 day cruise starting at $779 dollars, and from my personal experience from this cruise the nights can get pretty crazy. This ship will make stops at several destinations. The most common that I hear from people that they have stopped at are the islands in the Bahamas. It gets even better, you don’t have to get off the cruise line if you stop on the island. The ship will host events for people who just want to stay on and relax. When the sun sets and the music starts that’s when the young life comes out. I have experienced dancing with my friends and family until the sunrises. If you are looking for a nice relaxing cruise with no loud music, and no wild nights I would NOT recommend you booking Carnival for your family vacation. There is a cruise for some quite relaxation time, but also some get off your butt and party time. If you’re an older couple looking to go on a trip such as a cruise with your kids and young ones I would recommend that you book a cruise with Royal Caribbean.  I was astonished when I stepped foot on this massive vessel. You can take a 7 day trip to the Bahamas starting at $179 American currency of course. My experience with this is that I thought it was going to be a cruise line for old people. People who just wanted it quite! In retrospect it was, but it wouldn't be smart to have a cruise with no night life. I was shocked on how much fun I had on my 10 day cruise with Royal Caribbean they made my trip as fun as possible while making all the other guests comfortable. So it does not matter if you like to have fun or if you like to just sit back and read, there is a cruise line for you 

If you can't decide look at both these videos to see which one you prefer

CARNIVAL CRUISE LINE                                    ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINE 


  1. These cruise ships seem really cool and fun. I like the idea of being able to travel to a couple different places while having fun on the ride there. The first cruise ship seems exciting and busy. It seems like there is alot to do on the carnival cruise line, and it would be hard to be bored.

  2. I have always wanted to go on a cruise but I have not yet. They seem really fun and you get to travel to a lot of diffrent locations. I always thought that cruises are expensive. But from your blog they seem that they are affordable if you save up for a little bit.

  3. I really liked your blog about cruises. I have never been on a cruise before which is why I read your blog, but I have always wanted to go on one! I was very surprised to find out that the royal Caribbean cruise started at such a low price, and I think that it is wicked cool that both of these cruises are very cheap. I always thought that cruises were thousands and thousands of dollars. Your blog did a great job in telling me about cruises.
